
Going with the flow – Paragliding style!

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The paraglider took off just a little behind and above me. Lookout Mountain; Golden, Colorado
Paraglider over Golden, Colorado.

Quite by happenstance, we saw these paragliders during a day in the mountains. The gliders seemed so carefree and effortless as they floated down.

paraglider, Golden Colorado
As the paraglider passed me and floated down, I could see Golden, Colorado below. Yes, that’s Coors brewery and Colorado School of Mines below him. He probably won’t go that far, but you never know!

Some went quickly, and some more leisurely, but in all cases, they stayed in the flow of air. They didn’t fight it, and their trips were safe and effortless. I reminded myself to take note: go with the flow and enjoy the ride!

Paraglider in Arapahoe National Park

I just love Colorado!

Paraglider about to land in a luscious meadow in Arapahoe National Park


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