dogs, toy

This week in pictures, 11-30-18

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succulent blossom
I’d had this succulent plant about seven years before it bloomed for the first time last year. This year, it has five blossoms, a new record!

It has been an intense few weeks here as we navigate through Thanksgiving and my husband and I work diligently to redecorate our 5th-wheel trailer. It’s only a year old, but the dark browns and yellows started to get to us, so we are changing the window coverings, painting the whole interior, and reupholstering the chairs and headboard.

bengal cat
Nami is quite interested in the camper re-do, as she has turned into quite a fun camping cat!

My husband is quite handy, which is good. I can help with some of the painting, but that’s about it. We love the layout and functionality of the camper, we just want the color scheme to match our taste. So we’re going with white and light gray with some bright turquoise bits here and there to give it some interest.

Nami inspects the camper’s new leaf fabric to reupholster our chairs and headboard; the pink fabric will be for curtains.

Why am I discussing all this? Because I’ve not had time to blog, which makes me sad. 

poodle, dog
No, you can’t have my birthday duck, mom. — River

I’ve been working on a photography project and hope to post that soon. 

sunset and parrots
Sugar and Hannah enjoying the sunset in the window behind their cage.
black and tan dog
Tribble looks like an ordinary dog here, but she has a very sweet personality and keeps tabs on me constantly. She is very loving, which you can’t really see in a picture.
black dog
Garnet is sitting in Jazz’s new bed. I think she has made it quite clear that she wants one of her own like this one.
gray cat
Mystic is laying on the mail.
dogs, toy
River’s got the toy right now, but Tribble is considering a steal.



  1. WOW!! Karel so many lovely 4 leggeds! And your birds are lovely also…I never realized how many critters you have. And I LOVE the fabric for the reupholstering project & the drapes! You have a good idea for color.
    /Have fun redecorating…
    ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen & *purrsss* BellaDharma

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  2. Your photography is always fabulous. I am eager to see your next photography project.
    Glad to see the larger picture of your fabric for the camper. Beautiful. Love the colors.
    River is looking ready for a beauty contest now. You must have taken her to Glamour Shots. That little Tribble reminds me of Toto in the Wizard of Oz. Where was Jazz?

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    1. The birds started out hating each other as they are rescues from different places and times. Over the last 10 years, they have become good friends without becoming mates (thank goodness). They found friendship as they have slowly (the cockatoo) and very slowly (the Amazon) recover from
      past abuse and neglect. It was sweet to see them so close and comfortable together on the day I snapped that picture.

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        1. The cockatoo is probably at least 35 years old; the amazon around 17. They have been a hassle at times, if I love the way the peace and car has had an impact. The cockatoo just needed to fly more than anything. So he flies free in the house. He thinks he runs the place!

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