The Promise of Spring

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White blossom wide open, showing its stamen, growing on a branch. Tiny magenta buds cluster on one side.
Here’s a sweet little apricot blossom, later frozen on the limb.

Winter and spring have been seesawing back and forth this month, which is pretty typical here. I enjoy the frequent changes, but the weather tricked our apricot tree into blooming, perhaps too early.

Two pink peach blossoms grow near each other on a branch.
peach blossoms

We’ve had more snow than sunshine the past two weeks. With this most recent warm-up, the peach and ornamental pear trees blossomed. The apple trees are still gearing up. My husband is putting in a new raised garden bed for me this year, challenging me to up my gardening game.

A black schnauzer-mix dog sits alertly by disturbed earth, lumber, and bags of gardening soil.
Garnet is supervising construction of the new raised bed. We’re working on it early this year – our grass still hasn’t come in all the way yet.
peach blossoms
Another sweet peach blossom.

With all our snow this month, I’ve been a little jealous of the places in the world getting flowers already, and everything is green and blossoming. We don’t have spring yet, but it’s sure to come, in its own sweet time.

A cluster of several white blossoms with delicate green stamen show up among the generally bare branches in front of a bright blue sky.
Ornamental pear tree blossoms.
A spindly little tree stands in the background behind a small black schnauzer-mix dog with her tongue handing out and a medium black and tan dog smiling at the camera.


    1. Thank you. My two kitties are sending you paw kisses too. The dogs, though, might be giving you the tail! Aww, not really, they are little love-bugs, too.


    1. Her daughter is Tribble. She was named after the little purring, trilling noise that the Star Trek tribbles make. She has made a similar noise since she was a puppy, particularly during a playful growl or when trying to get our attention. Like her mom, Tribble is a total sweetheart!

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  1. Scrolling through a second time (what can I say..gardens..) I noticed the perspective in the last shot. It looks rather like your brown doggie (Yorkie?) has snappy little black Scottie Terrier shaped hat. It made me smile. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m going to giggle because in East Des Moines, where my Dad grew up and had dogs, a schnaffen peagle is a mutt. Beagles are adorable and people cannot help themselves in their many itterations. 😀

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  2. First, hello sweet Tribble and Garnet. It is always so nice to see you. I wish we lived close that I could come by and play and cuddle with you!
    I am envious of your new raised garden-in-progress. My hubby has promised for two years to build one for us,has it all worked out in his head, but never has time to do it. *pout* Guess we’ll just have to keep buying instead of growing veggies. Hope you’ve seen the last of the snow as we head into May in just a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. My husband is an engineer and loves to build/make/fix things, so this is his jam! I’d run out of home projects for him over the past year, so he was ripe for this project. He’s also eager to work im outside when it’s warm enough. We had a snow delay of a week after he bought the wood and soil. Now we have a rain delay! Wohoo! We always need more rain.

      I wanted to let you know that my health food store is finally carrying the eggs you recommended and I love them! I have no doubt that you get fresher vegetables in Chatanooga that don’t have to get trucked as far as mine do. So buying store-bought veggies isn’t so bad. Take care; thanks for dropping by.

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    1. That’s a good philosophy. We are certainly enjoying the extra daylight. Our parrots are up and down with the sun, and they are quite pleased with the change! Our dogs are loving the warm weather walks, too, so there are positive changes for sure. I’ll have to curb my green plant envy when I see posts from warmer climates!


  3. Mee-yow Miss Karel an Garnet youss’ have MORE Spring than wee have here. Our Snowdropss came up an flowered fore a week an then gotted frosbite an flowerss gone. Tehre are budss an leavess growin butt nothin’ else has flowered.
    Wee have a warm day an then a chilley day an back an forth….
    Wee did NOT get any snow this month liek wee usuallee due….mee wuud rather have Swinter an then Spring. This Non-Spring iss stew-pid! (Can mee mee-yow this??)
    Wee hope yore gardenin goess well…guud luck!
    **purrss** BellaDharma

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    1. Thank you BellaDharma. Climate change appears in strange ways this year. I wonder if the plants will come to adapt? I don’t mind the frequent changes between winter and warm weather, but I sense the surprise in the natural world, like your poor snowdrops got. They just wanted to sing their spring song, but got cut short.


    1. I’ll bet that was a bit of climate shock! We’re expecting rain this week instead of snow, which is a welcome change. We’re often in drought conditions here, which I’m sure you can relate to.

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  4. Looks like everything is coming along for spring now where you are! Beautiful pictures! Our spring blooms came and went already, that’s not unusual but when the cool weather came back I think it shortened the spring blooming season. We’re all green and chilly now.

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  5. Your blossoms are cute. The weather is still teeter-tottering here as well. After 6 years of trying to grow food – I think this year I will just grow flowers. The last 6 years have been spent amending soil, trying to entice pollinators, and deter garden pillagers. I’m hoping that by planting flowers, pollinators will find us and maybe visit more in the future. And next year we can put in large garden beds, which will help the soil issues. Then we only have to find ways to deter all the adorable woodland creatures (deer, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs…) from eating my produce. 😊 Now if only my plan comes together?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Since I live in a suburban western area, I don’t have deer, chipmunks, or groundhogs, and the dogs intimidate many of the squirrels, my biggest problem is too much cold, then too much sun, and a short growing season – and my lack of aptitude. I grew up in a desert region and don’t have much plant experience, but I’ve decided to learn. 🤞

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